- Policy Center

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Copyright Policy

Our Content

The layout, content, charts, images, video and graphs including portable and down-loadable documents used throughout this site are all original works and Elegant Property Buyers, Inc. the owner/operator of this website: hereby reserves all publishing, photocopying and reproduction rights of its content.

Customer and Vendor Logos

This web site and the systems and services connected to it form a community of contractors, vendors, end users and of course our customers. Each company that has any identifying information, data, references, slogans, trademarks or logos expressly reserves their full rights and restrictions to the use and reproduction or such identifying marks.

Artwork and Pictures

This site displays original artwork, photographs and images submitted by various users of this site. If you see an image on this site, which you believe should not be here, is here without the permission of the author or owner of the image please contact the webmaster. We will either demonstrate we own the artwork, show permission to use the artwork (through purchase receipt or written release) or simply remove the image from our site. We do not endorse, condone or engage in software piracy or willful abuse of intellectual property rights.

Notice regarding this policy

This policy was reviewed, updated and is current as of June 3, 2020.

© Copyright 2014-2020, a service of Elegant Property Buyers, Inc., All rights reserved.

About us
is a service of Elegant Property Buyers, Inc.

We are a professional real estate development company buying, renovating and selling property all over the USA. Now you can benefit from our decades of experience. We have developed a streamlined method of sourcing, vetting and acquiring fixer-upper property in bulk in several major markets across the USA. Now you can benefit from our acquisition horse-power, right here in this website.

Our main service offering through this website is residential real estate inventory at wholesale prices.

4 easy steps and as little as 5 business days to you next flip!

Elegant Property Buyers, Inc.
Attention: PlywoodWindows
25 Crescent Drive #A-220
Pleasant Hill CA 94523 USA
+1 415.516.7478 Office